The end often becomes a new beginning. That is no doubt the case with the New Hope Daily. After three months of daily encouragements from 29 different people who are associated in one way or another with New Hope this publication comes to an end.
It began as a tool to communicate with friends of New Hope. Each day it has been sent to over 200 people as well as posted on Facebook and Twitter. I have been enjoyed reading each of these essays. I have also enjoyed hearing from many of you about the blessings of reading these devotionals. Long before I came to New Hope the church had a vision for encouragement.
Hebrews 3:13, “Encourage one another as long as it is called Today.”
Acts 20:3, Paul encouraged the disciples and “traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people….
Twice Luke mentions the ministry of encouragement. During this coronavirus we have, perhaps, needed encouragement more than any other time.
So, thank-you to the 29 writers. Also, thanks to all the readers. We are a better people and a better church because of the encouragement of God’s people.
I don’t know of a single person who isn’t saying that our country needs to come together rather than being torn apart. Encouragement has the ability to bring us together even when we differ on wearing masks, shutting down businesses, churches, and schools.
TODAY, OUR CHURCH BUILDING RE-OPENS BUT KNOW ASSUREDLY, NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEVER CLOSED. Ministry is such a great encouragement. Today we end this publication, but we continue a ministry of encouragement daily.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, you are our encouragement through the Son and the Holy Spirit. May we share that encouragement every day. Amen!
Guthrie Veech is the minister at New Hope Christian Church.