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January Calendar

Tuesday, December 31

New Year's Eve Party

6 - 9 PM

Bring snacks and desserts.

Contact Angela or Alan 


Saturday, January 11

8 AM

Men's Prayer Breakfast

9:30 AM

Saturday Sisters

Prayer Walk & Lunch


Sunday, January 12

Dinner After Worship

Ecuador Trip Fundraiser


Friday, January 24

6 PM

Movie & Supper

Ecuador Trip Fundraiser

January Sermons
January 5
1 Corinthians 1 
The Wisdom of God
January 12
Preaching: Chris DeWelt
from Ozark Christian College and College Press
January 19
1 Corinthians 2
Understanding a Man's Thoughts
January 26
1 Corinthians 3
Following Christ, Not Men

January School of Prayer

Wednesday  at Noon

January 8. January 15. January 22. January 29. 

Join us for a time of teaching on PRAYER followed by an extended time of prayer. We will conclude with a fellowship meal.

February Calendar

Sunday Sermon Series

Sermons from 1 Corinthians 

Car Show

Sunday, February 2

10 AM -- 2 PM

Rain Date: February 9

Saturday Sisters

February 15

Afternoon Tea

Men's Prayer

February 15

Praise Gathering Weekend

Saturday, February 22

6 PM

Sunday, February 23

10 AM

6 PM


February 22 & 23

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Bob Russell


From The Ark Encounter

Men's Prayer Breakfast

Join the men of New Hope each second Saturday of the month at8AM for breakfast & prayer. Praying men can change communities, cultures, and the world. Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 2:8, that he wanted “the men in every place to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or argument.” Paul is instructing men to pray, worship, and lead the church in peace. In other words, men—just like women—are essential to the mission of the church. The men of New Hope take this responsibility seriously. For this reason, they meet together monthly for prayer, fellowship, and a good hearty breakfast in the Fellowship Room.

Monday Morning
Men's Ministry

8:30 AM
Cracker Barrell Restaurant

445 Commercial Court

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Saturday Sisters

exists to glorify God and draw women closer to Him.  We do this by hosting monthly events for the women at New Hope and our community. Our purpose is to grow spiritually through study, learning, service, and fellowship opportunities.

Saturday Sisters

Meets at 9:30 AM 

On the Second Saturday of each Month. In the 

New Hope

Fellowship Room


This is a group where you can come and go as you desire and your schedule permits. So, if you are in town, join us for a game of golf.  If you are interested, contact Pastor Guthrie or Don Graves early in the week. Golfers will be contacted weekly concerning tee times & places. 

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