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Make an Impact

Generosity is a Core Value at New Hope Christian Church.

We encourage a Culture of Giving because the Bible teaches that

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35.

Your generosity makes an incredible difference both globally and locally.

Thank you.​

​​Four Ways to Give ...

1) Online -- Click the Donate Now button below.

​2) Mail a check directly to the church at: 2241 Kilpatrick Road, Nokomis, FL 34275;

​3) Instruct your bank to make a direct deposit or send an electronic payment/check to the church. 

​4) You may also give as you leave the church building each Sunday.  Thank you for your gift. 

​If you have any questions or need additional details, call Pastor Guthrie at 941-488-8051.

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